Sunday, 12 December 2010

That's a wrap.

And thats it, all finished. After a full two weeks of shooting the green screen is rolled up and the lights are all back in their bags.
It has been very tiring, sometimes frustrating and occasionally very very cold but also a lot of fun and we managed to punctuate the filming with enough eating, drinking and Call of Duty to make it feel almost like a holiday.
Now begins the next stage of logging the huge amount of footage that we have come away with. In true Red Ded Dog style we just filmed everything from every angle we could think of in the hope that this way we won't find ourselves missing that one vital shot when we finally get to the edit.
We have nothing to worry a bout though. Checking the rushes each night brought a grin to our faces without fail and seeing the first rough VFX tests just made it even bigger. There is no question that we have some great performances from a great cast and have got everything we need and more to make a really good film.
We hope to have some kind of teaser/trailer type thing to show at Stand Up Cinema on the 17th so get yourselves to that if you can. In the meantime here are some stills taken whilst shooting so you can relive the joy. This album will be expanded when we have collected all the pictures together.

Thursday, 9 December 2010

By the Light of the Moon - Filming Update

A big thank you to our primary sponsors
Shooting is drawing to a close on our latest film By the Light of the Moon and we thought now would be a good time to tell people what we have been up to and to show off some stills that will hopefully show what we are aiming for with this latest project.

We began filming on the 1st of December after a day and a half of read throughs and rehearsals and have been living on set and filming every day since.

First contact
We have had major, last minute script changes, constant schedule changes, broken lamps, falling lights, parking fines, late nights and early mornings. We have also been trying stuff that we have never done before, namely working with green screen, and while it has been a pretty nerve wracking it has worked out well and the finished product is going to look really really cool.

We would like to say a massive thank you to Stu who agreed to play our alien for us without really realising exactly what we had in mind for it and ended up with head and hands entirely covered in silicone and wearing a wet suit for many hours, unable to eat, drink or smoke and having to stand in the garden when the sweat inside his mask got so much that it was running out of the nose holes.
Alien concept #1
The best way to justify inflicting this unpleasantness on our mates is to show you just how cool it is going to look when it is finished so we gave to footage to Freddie, our Visual Effects Supervisor, and he knocked up these stills for us in about half an hour. They are not finished and will probably bear little resemblance to what appears in the final film but they put our minds at ease and look good enough to share with the world so enjoy.

We would like to also say a couple more thank yous. To Real Time for the loan of lights, green screen and assorted other kit and also to Sterling Recruitment who had enough faith in us to step in with funding for this project and without whom this film would probably not have happened.
Alien concept #2

We also have a date for your diaries. Real Time host Stand Up Cinema every month and have agreed to let us screen something at the next one which is taking place on Dec 17th at The Rising Sun Arts Center in Reading. We will be showing some of our earlier films but will also be giving the first screening of the trailer for By the Light of the Moon so if you like what you see here then get yourself down on the 17th for some more.