Sunday, 29 April 2012

Sci Fi London

We have just about recovered from taking part in the Sci Fi London 48 hour competition. It was two weeks ago but it is still really hard to talk about *sobs*.
Only kidding! It was really really hard work but also loads of fun and everyone involved put in a huge amount of effort to turn out a great finished film in such a short space of time.
The brief arrived at 1030 on Sat and the finished film was set uploading almost exactly 48 ours later by which time the sleep depravation combined with a diet of pistachio nuts, coffee and Old Thumper was really beginning to show.

Of the 100+ films that were submitted 20 made the shortlist but unfortunately outs wasn't among them. We are still dead proud of our submission though and learnt a huge amount that we will keep in mind for next year.

Please take 5 mins to check out our film 'A Certain Sense' and keep an eye on our YouTube channel for more in the near future.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Another Comp Another Win!

After another long silence we are back with another nugget of exciting news (for us at least). Our last project for 2011 was a competition run by Mike Marlin to find a director for his next music video. He supplied four songs for entrants to make videos for and in a burst of energy and enthusiasm we decided to make three in three weeks.
With no budget, little planning and actors and crew kindly giving up their weekends to go along with our slightly weird concepts we managed to finish three very different videos of styles we have not really tried out before (alright, there was one zombie offering but we are all slaves to our roots right?) and we have just learned that our bearded, balloon modelling, striptease concept for the song Girl From Chelsea Bridge has been selected for a prize!
We don't know exactly what we have won yet and will only find out when we attend the album launch in a few weeks time but rest assured as soon as we know we will be shouting about it here.
Until then you can check out the winning video here as well as our other two offerings, the zombie based Steve McQueen and the feel good, fortune cookie based Left Behind.
We hope you enjoy them.